1 + 1 = 3 | Collective intelligence at the service of the citizen

The aim of the association is to be a multidisciplinary forum for exchanges allowing the development of projects working in fields of general interest, particularly around the information and communication economy.



Collective intelligence
Let’s create a future together that resembles us
Common interest
We experiment with collective management on all our actions dedicated to the general interest
Open source
Our ingredients, recipes and source code are free to use and improve
Natural system
Like nature, we gather information to learn more about our multicultural and local environments, create connections and adapt to change.


Citizen participation
Accompany citizens to participate in the everyday life of their territory
Smart Territory
Project of utopian society respecting man and the environment
Societal network
Using current tools to improve the way society works
Knowledge Base
With our friends Wikipedia and Openstreetmap, Open Atlas is committed of sharing knowledge


A free and civil society network
A project of utopian society
An Internet service provider that allows you to connect remote locations
A place to meet, exchange, share and mutualize. A place to build together a future that resembles us

Un moteur de recherche territorial

Both a territorial search engine and a project management tool, the Communecter social network offers you the opportunity to become an active player in your territory.



The aim of the association is to be a multidisciplinary forum for exchanges allowing the development of projects working in fields of general interest, particularly around the information and communication economy. Of social and solidarity interest, the association is interested in all territories, from local to international.

In all its diversity, it works in the fields of humanitarian, cultural and artistic development, communication of public or private services, virtual mapping, connectivity and the provision of information and communication (within a group). The association also aims to be a laboratory and an active research and development unit, in a cross-cutting way, defending the decompartmentalization and sharing of competences, as well as the freedom to think and act.

Who are we ?


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Raphaël Rivière
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Sylvain Barbot
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Sitti Harouna
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Tom Baumert
Facilitateur local
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Damien Grondin
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Coralie Josseron
Facilitatrice local
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Luc Bonnin
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Julien Lecaille
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Marc Farré
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Jérôme Gontier
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Tibor Katelbach
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Jahne Henry
Facilitatrice local
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Thomas Craipeau
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Simon Sarazin
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Rémi Bocquet
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Sebastian Castro
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Clément Damiens
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Open Atlas is part of various movements


Permaculture is at the same time an ethic, philosophy, science and method of design/planning/planning/organization of systems (and ecosystems), the fundamental preoccupation of which is efficiency, sustainability/regeneration and resilience.

Excerpt from “Permaculture sans frontières” website


Zero Waste

Zero waste means setting a new goal for the way we live in the world – the goal of reducing our garbage in landfills and incinerators to zero – and rebuilding our local economies for community health, sustainability, and justice.

Excerpt from the “Zéro Waste World” website


Energy autonomy

People need to understand what we want to do in our territory. We are all consumers, but we also need to be actors, actors in our own lives and actors in our own development.

Régnier, Yannick. « Autonomie et solidarité : les territoires à énergie positive préfigurent un nouveau paysage énergétique », Pour, vol. 218, no. 2, 2013, pp. 181-188.


Third places

A third place is a open location between home and work that encourages the emergence of collective creations. In these new places, work is carried out in a network by means of an ad hoc aggregation of skills, which is faster and more flexible than traditional structures.

Extract from the La Girafe site (coworking space)


The commons

The preservation and sharing of these common assets cannot therefore be left to the private or public sector alone; it is in the complementarity of actions and hybridization that the seeds of social innovation, territorial development and governance sprout.

Extract from the La Cédille website (coworking space)


Open source software

To have freedom means to have control over one’s own life. If you use a program to perform tasks that affect your life, your freedom depends on how much control you have over the program. You deserve to control the programs you use, especially when you’re using them for something important to you.

Extract from the GNU website


Collaborative Economy

The collaborative economy is a peer-to-peer human activity, which aims to produce common value and is based on new forms of work organisation and exchange. It is based on a more horizontal rather than vertical organisation, the mutualisation of goods, spaces and tools, knowledge (use rather than ownership), the organisation of citizens into “networks” or communities and generally intermediation via Internet platforms (with the exception of models such as networks for the reciprocal exchange of knowledge) whose functioning “is based on algorithms that match up different social players”.



Citizen Transition

Faced with a systemic crisis (ecological, economic, social,…) every day more profound, a growing movement is on the rise which, everywhere, reinvents our ways of producing, exchanging, inhabiting, feeding, moving, educating our children….

Hundreds of thousands of people are building alternatives to the current model that is destroying the social fabric, financializing all aspects of our lives, plundering natural resources and encouraging unsustainable consumerism and material growth.

Extract from the joint declaration of the Citizen Transition Collective




An advertising message denies life because it degrades desires into needs.
Alain Damasio
Science fiction writer
We are not living in a epoch of changes, but in a changing epoch.
Michel Bauwens
Peer-to-peer theoretician
Free software is not the first priority, but it is an area in which I have seen how I can make my contribution. I think there are two serious problems. The first is global warming and the environment. The second is the democracy of human rights and the separation of politics from business. Richard Stallman
Richard Stallman
Initiator of the Free Software Movement



